How to better handle your Web projects

06th Aug, 2013
Posted in Web Design

Most of you outsourcing your needs for web design and development, would know, how essential it is to have the project done timely and with quality. While we as professional providers do strive to provide the best service in terms of quality and timeline, following a few easy tips will enable us to deliver better results for you time and again. I am sure other web design and development firms will also find this tips very useful

Here we go:

  1. Vision: Be absolutely clear about what you want and what the web project is supposed to achieve and steps/items needed to achieve that. Do some basic research and discuss with professionals about your aim and how you want to achieve that. Without a concrete vision in place you are not in a position to start your project. An incomplete idea would lead to an incomplete end product and after spending double/triple the amount you really had to spend if you have frozen the idea upfront. Without a concrete aim your project is bound to fail. At start of a project do assess the feasibility of achieving what you want and reliability of the solution that can be offered for your problem.
  2. Planning: “Failing to plan is Planning to Fail” – Somebody said so.
    The whole premise of fast and efficient execution is based on having the inputs ready before start, at least knowing when they will be available so that the work plan and resources can be organized accordingly. In many projects, I have see that the development team is ready to start the project, but important inputs are missing, which will either make us take a faulty decision at start and proceed with that or redo the analysis again at a later date when we have the all the info, which is a wasteful process. For larger projects, it is beneficial to break up the targets into small manageable milestones and approach them one by one. Each milestone will have their own specific targets and deliverables; you can analyze one block at a time comfortably, without having to bother about the details of another block of the system which is not directly related.
  3. Communication: Communication is the most important ingredient of Project execution when working with people remotely. Prompt and clear communication is essential to clarify doubts and answer queries. Many buyers think information should be let out as and when needed to avoid confusion, but that is a wrong approach, if something is to be conveyed, deliver that upfront. Additional information provides a better picture and helps your developer or designer take informed decisions. Transferring information late can have serious implications to the project, sections of the work may have to be redone based on your new info and will not go well with your designer or developer.
  4. Setting Dates/Deadlines: Most often we hear from Buyers, that they needed the project yesterday. Well, yesterday is already gone and best you can do is give enough time to the web design team to comfortably complete the work. Please note: forcing a tight deadline will not get the project done faster rather it would force the designer/developer to work hastily and in the process overlook a thing or two that will come back as issues at a later date and would have to spend more time fixing then. Putting more workers can only speed up the project when there are several parallel things to do. Web design is definitely not one of them and in web development, unless it’s a large project, there will be very limited benefits for parallelization of work and would add to the project management overhead.

Keeping this few things in mind will help you make best use of the time and money to build our your web business.

Best of Luck!

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