Debcom Silver Package
An outstanding package for professionals and small businesses to get a web presence. This package is suitable for beginners to intermediate users and fully feature packed to make an impact on the web. The website will be professionally done following web best practices so that your site exceeds your expectations.
- Unique design for the home page (3 mockups will be provided followed by 5 rounds of iterations to the design)
- Inner page/Blog design based on approved home page design
- Rotating banner/Image slideshow on home page
- Request a Quote/Contact form/Lead Generation form
- Newsletter signup form if required(Can be integrated with service providers like MailChimp)
- Standard Sidebar widgets
- 5-10 content pages (static content pages): You will be able to add more as needed.
- Blog
- Contact page with form and Google Map location (if required)
- Site developed on WordPress for easy editing
- Standard SEO friendly customization
- Compatibility across current and previous version all major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera)
- Low cost stock photos/icons are included
- Custom codes like Google Analytics, tracking, Ads, Optins can be added if needed
- Test and Deploy to your final hosting, a round of final optimization.
- 1 year support for any issues found
- Due to our experience, we know what works and what dont work well for small sites, So we build websites taking into consideration the best practices and current trends, so your site will be modern and efficient.
- The sites will be built in a SEO friendly way and will be optimized for search engine.
- Use of WordPress CMS will enable site owners to change and update content on their own.
- We are an experienced team and can take the right decisions for your site. We will test and deploy your site to the live hosting and provide support if necessary
Please get in touch to discuss further if you have any queries Also, please review the FAQ for basic queries you may have.